Don’t hate the Player, hate the game – Katie Ashley Free Audiobook
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Don’t Hate the Player…Hate the Game – Katie Ashley
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Don’t Hate the Player…Hate the Game
Von: Katie Ashley Mit: Tim Paige
For Noah Sullivan, being the best friend of Jake Nelson has never been easy. It’s been a rocky road since kindergarten when Jake duct taped Noah to his chair before recess. With just six weeks to high school graduation, Jake accidentally blows his drunken ass up on his grandfather’s tractor, and Noah finds himself immersed not only in a whirlwind of grief, but on a quest to find a mystery girl from Jake’s past. While cleaning out Jake’s room, Noah and Jake’s dad make a startling discovery. Instead of the obligatory porn collection or pot stash, they find a ring. After Jake’s mom pleads with Noah to find the girl who meant so much to Jake, Noah begins a modern day Grail quest to track the girl down. Since Jake was a notorious player, Noah finds himself in over his head